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rIP (version 1.2.0)

proxycheck: Retrieve IP address metadata from ProxyCheck


Pass in an IP address along with API key and any extra API query flags and retrieve metadata about the IP from ProxyCheck.


proxycheck(ip, ..., api_key = proxycheck_api_key())



an IP address (length 1 character vector)


ProxyCheck API query flage (see Details)


a ProxyCheck API key (see proxycheck_api_key())


You can specify values for any additional query flags via .... The package will be updated as the supported flags change. Current supported query flags are:

  • vpn: (logical) VPN check on the IP Address and present the result to you.

  • asn: (logical) ASN check on the IP Address and present you with the provider name, ASN, country, country isocode, city (if it's in a city) and lang/long for the IP Address.

  • node: (logical) Will return node within our cluster answered your API call. This is only really needed for diagnosing problems with our support staff.

  • time: (logical) Will return how long this query took to be answered by our API excluding network overhead.

  • inf: (logical) When FALSE the query will not use the real-time inference engine. In the absence of this flag or if it's set to TRUE we will run the query through our real-time inference engine.

  • risk: (logical) When TRUE, will return the risk score for this IP Address ranging from 0 to 100. Scores below 33 can be considered low risk while scores between 34 and 66 can be considered high risk. Addresses with scores above 66 are considered very dangerous.

  • port: (logical) Will return the port number we saw this IP Address operating a proxy server on.

  • seen: (logical) Will return the most recent time we saw this IP Address operating as a proxy server.

  • days: (integer) Will restrict proxy results to between now and the amount of days specified. For example if you supplied days=2 we would only check our database for Proxies that we saw within the past 48 hours. By default without this flag supplied we search within the past 7 days.

  • tag: (string) The query result will be tagged with the message you supply.




Run this code
proxycheck("", asn = TRUE, risk = TRUE)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab