wtr.layer: Exploration of lake water column layers
Extract water column parameters of a given parameter from a profile using
the split-and-merge algorithm. The cline is defined as the midpoint of the
layer of water where the physical property change in the greatest over a
small difference. The exact cline depends on the specification of measure.
For example if temperature is specified, then we can expect cline to output
the thermocline.
depth in metres; should be an increasing vector; supplied as a
bare (unquoted) value
parameter measured in the water column profile; supplied as a
bare (unquoted) value
error norm; defaults to 0.1
initial depth in metres. Defaults to 2.5m
maximum depth in metres: defaults to 150m
optional parameter to define the number of segments a priori;
defaults to an unconstrained approach whereby the algorithm determines
segmentations by minimzing the error norm over each segment
a dataframes with a list column. This includes: nseg (number of
segments), mld (mix layer depth), cline (the midpoint of the segment
connecting inflection points that has the maximum slope; thermocline for
temperature measures) and segments calculated by the sm algorithm.
Thomson, R. and I. Fine. 2003. Estimating Mixed Layer Depth from
Oceanic Profile Data. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 20(2),