#An example for the Global Forecast System 0.5 degree model
#Make a world temperature map for the latest model run
if (FALSE) {
#Figure out which model is most recent
model.urls <- GetDODSDates("gfs_0p50")
latest.model <- tail(model.urls$url, 1)
model.runs <- GetDODSModelRuns(latest.model)
latest.model.run <- tail(model.runs$model.run, 1)
#Download worldwide temperature data at 2 m
variable <- "tmp2m"
time <- c(0, 0) #Analysis run, index starts at 0
lon <- c(0, 719) #All 720 longitude points
lat <- c(0, 360) #All 361 latitude points
model.data <- DODSGrab(latest.model, latest.model.run,
variable, time, lon, lat)
#Make it into a nice array and plot it
model.grid <- ModelGrid(model.data, c(0.5, 0.5))
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab