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Explore and summarize data
explore( dataset, vars = "", byvar = "", fun = c("mean", "sd"), top = "fun", tabfilt = "", tabsort = "", tabslice = "", nr = Inf, data_filter = "", arr = "", rows = NULL, envir = parent.frame() )
A list of all variables defined in the function as an object of class explore
Dataset to explore
(Numeric) variables to summarize
Variable(s) to group data by
Functions to use for summarizing
Use functions ("fun"), variables ("vars"), or group-by variables as column headers
Expression used to filter the table (e.g., "Total > 10000")
Expression used to sort the table (e.g., "desc(Total)")
Expression used to filter table (e.g., "1:5")
Number of rows to display
Expression used to filter the dataset before creating the table (e.g., "price > 10000")
Expression to arrange (sort) the data on (e.g., "color, desc(price)")
Rows to select from the specified dataset
Environment to extract data from
See https://radiant-rstats.github.io/docs/data/explore.html for an example in Radiant
See summary.explore to show summaries
explore(diamonds, c("price", "carat")) %>% str() explore(diamonds, "price:x")$tab explore(diamonds, c("price", "carat"), byvar = "cut", fun = c("n_missing", "skew"))$tab
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