Compute or plot the margin of predictions from a randomForest classifier.
# S3 method for randomForest
margin(x, ...)
# S3 method for default
margin(x, observed, ...)
# S3 method for margin
plot(x, sort=TRUE, ...)
an object of class randomForest, whose
type is not regression, or a matrix of predicted
probabilities, one column per class and one row per observation.
For the plot method, x should be an object returned by
the true response corresponding to the data in x.
Should the data be sorted by their class labels?
other graphical parameters to be passed to plot.default.
For margin, the margin of observations from the
randomForest classifier (or whatever classifier that
produced the predicted probability matrix given to margin).
The margin of a data point is defined as the proportion of votes for
the correct class minus maximum proportion of votes for the other
classes. Thus under majority votes, positive margin means correct
classification, and vice versa.