# \donttest{
## ------------------------------------------------------------
## use the breast data for illustration
## ------------------------------------------------------------
data(breast, package = "randomForestSRC")
breast <- na.omit(breast)
f <- as.formula(status ~ .)
## default RFQ call
o.rfq <- imbalanced(f, breast)
## equivalent to:
## rfsrc(f, breast, rfq = TRUE, ntree = 3000,
## perf.type = "gmean", splitrule = "auc")
## detailed output using customized performance function
## RF using misclassification error with gini splitting
## ------------------------------------------------------------
o.std <- imbalanced(f, breast, method = "stand", splitrule = "gini")
## RF using G-mean performance with AUC splitting
## ------------------------------------------------------------
o.std <- imbalanced(f, breast, method = "stand", perf.type = "gmean")
## equivalent to:
## rfsrc(f, breast, ntree = 3000, perf.type = "gmean", splitrule = "auc")
## default BRF call
o.brf <- imbalanced(f, breast, method = "brf")
## equivalent to:
## imbalanced(f, breast, method = "brf", perf.type = "gmean")
## BRF call with misclassification performance
o.brf <- imbalanced(f, breast, method = "brf", perf.type = "misclass")
## train/test example
trn <- sample(1:nrow(breast), size = nrow(breast) / 2)
o.trn <- imbalanced(f, breast[trn,], importance = TRUE)
o.tst <- predict(o.trn, breast[-trn,], importance = TRUE)
print(100 * cbind(o.trn$impo[, 1], o.tst$impo[, 1]))
## illustrates how to optimize threshold on training data
## improves Gmean for RFQ in many situations
if (library("caret", logical.return = TRUE)) {
## experimental settings
n <- 2 * 5000
q <- 20
ir <- 6
f <- as.formula(Class ~ .)
## simulate the data, create minority class data
d <- twoClassSim(n, linearVars = 15, noiseVars = q)
d$Class <- factor(as.numeric(d$Class) - 1)
idx.0 <- which(d$Class == 0)
idx.1 <- sample(which(d$Class == 1), sum(d$Class == 1) / ir , replace = FALSE)
d <- d[c(idx.0,idx.1),, drop = FALSE]
## split data into train and test
trn.pt <- sample(1:nrow(d), size = nrow(d) / 2)
trn <- d[trn.pt, ]
tst <- d[setdiff(1:nrow(d), trn.pt), ]
## run rfq on training data
o <- imbalanced(f, trn)
## (1) default threshold (2) directly optimized gmean threshold
th.1 <- get.imbalanced.performance(o)["threshold"]
th.2 <- get.imbalanced.optimize(o)["threshold"]
## training performance
cat("-------- train performance ---------\n")
print(get.imbalanced.performance(o, thresh=th.1))
print(get.imbalanced.performance(o, thresh=th.2))
## test performance
cat("-------- test performance ---------\n")
pred.o <- predict(o, tst)
print(get.imbalanced.performance(pred.o, thresh=th.1))
print(get.imbalanced.performance(pred.o, thresh=th.2))
## illustrates RFQ with and without SMOTE
## - simulation example using the caret R-package
## - creates imbalanced data by randomly sampling the class 1 data
## - use SMOTE from "imbalance" package to oversample the minority
if (library("caret", logical.return = TRUE) &
library("imbalance", logical.return = TRUE)) {
## experimental settings
n <- 5000
q <- 20
ir <- 6
f <- as.formula(Class ~ .)
## simulate the data, create minority class data
d <- twoClassSim(n, linearVars = 15, noiseVars = q)
d$Class <- factor(as.numeric(d$Class) - 1)
idx.0 <- which(d$Class == 0)
idx.1 <- sample(which(d$Class == 1), sum(d$Class == 1) / ir , replace = FALSE)
d <- d[c(idx.0,idx.1),, drop = FALSE]
d <- d[sample(1:nrow(d)), ]
## define train/test split
trn <- sample(1:nrow(d), size = nrow(d) / 2, replace = FALSE)
## now make SMOTE training data
newd.50 <- mwmote(d[trn, ], numInstances = 50, classAttr = "Class")
newd.500 <- mwmote(d[trn, ], numInstances = 500, classAttr = "Class")
## fit RFQ with and without SMOTE
o.with.50 <- imbalanced(f, rbind(d[trn, ], newd.50))
o.with.500 <- imbalanced(f, rbind(d[trn, ], newd.500))
o.without <- imbalanced(f, d[trn, ])
## compare performance on test data
print(predict(o.with.50, d[-trn, ]))
print(predict(o.with.500, d[-trn, ]))
print(predict(o.without, d[-trn, ]))
## illustrates effectiveness of blocked VIMP
if (library("caret", logical.return = TRUE)) {
## experimental settings
n <- 1000
q <- 20
ir <- 6
f <- as.formula(Class ~ .)
## simulate the data, create minority class data
d <- twoClassSim(n, linearVars = 15, noiseVars = q)
d$Class <- factor(as.numeric(d$Class) - 1)
idx.0 <- which(d$Class == 0)
idx.1 <- sample(which(d$Class == 1), sum(d$Class == 1) / ir , replace = FALSE)
d <- d[c(idx.0,idx.1),, drop = FALSE]
## permutation VIMP for BRF with and without blocking
## blocked VIMP is a hybrid of Breiman-Cutler/Ishwaran-Kogalur VIMP
brf <- imbalanced(f, d, method = "brf", importance = "permute", block.size = 1)
brfB <- imbalanced(f, d, method = "brf", importance = "permute", block.size = 10)
## permutation VIMP for RFQ with and without blocking
rfq <- imbalanced(f, d, importance = "permute", block.size = 1)
rfqB <- imbalanced(f, d, importance = "permute", block.size = 10)
## compare VIMP values
imp <- 100 * cbind(brf$importance[, 1], brfB$importance[, 1],
rfq$importance[, 1], rfqB$importance[, 1])
legn <- c("BRF", "BRF-block", "RFQ", "RFQ-block")
colr <- rep(4,20+q)
colr[1:20] <- 2
ylim <- range(c(imp))
nms <- 1:(20+q)
## confidence intervals for G-mean permutation VIMP using subsampling
if (library("caret", logical.return = TRUE)) {
## experimental settings
n <- 1000
q <- 20
ir <- 6
f <- as.formula(Class ~ .)
## simulate the data, create minority class data
d <- twoClassSim(n, linearVars = 15, noiseVars = q)
d$Class <- factor(as.numeric(d$Class) - 1)
idx.0 <- which(d$Class == 0)
idx.1 <- sample(which(d$Class == 1), sum(d$Class == 1) / ir , replace = FALSE)
d <- d[c(idx.0,idx.1),, drop = FALSE]
## RFQ
o <- imbalanced(Class ~ ., d, importance = "permute", block.size = 10)
## subsample RFQ
smp.o <- subsample(o, B = 100)
plot(smp.o, cex.axis = .7)
# }
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