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raster (version 3.6-30)

initialize: Initialize a Raster object with values


Create a new RasterLayer with values reflecting a cell property: 'x', 'y', 'col', 'row', or 'cell'. Alternatively, a function can be used. In that case, cell values are initialized without reference to pre-existing values. E.g., initialize with a random number (fun=runif). While there are more direct ways of achieving this for small objects (see examples) for which a vector with all values can be created in memory, the init function will also work for Raster* objects with many cells.


# S4 method for Raster
init(x, fun, filename="", ...)





Raster* object


function to be applied. This must be a function that can take the number of cells as a single argument to return a vector of values with a length equal to the number of cells, such as fun=runif. You can also supply one of the following character values: 'x', 'y', 'row', 'col', or 'cell' to get the x or coordinate, row, col or cell number; you can also use 'chess', to get a chessboard pattern


character. Optional output filename


Additional arguments as for writeRaster


Run this code
r <- raster(ncols=36, nrows=18)

x <- init(r, fun='cell')

y <- init(r, fun=runif)

# there are different ways to set all values to 1 
# for large rasters:
# set1f <- function(x){rep(1, x)}
# z1 <- init(r, fun=set1f, filename=rasterTmpFile(), overwrite=TRUE)

# This is equivalent to (but not memory safe):
z2 <- setValues(r, rep(1, ncell(r)))
# or  
values(r) <- rep(1, ncell(r))
# or  
values(r) <- 1

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab