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raster (version 3.6-30)

mosaic: Merge Raster* objects using a function for overlapping areas


Mosaic Raster* objects to form a new object with a larger spatial extent. A function is used to compute cell values in areas where layers overlap (in contrast to the merge function which uses the values of the 'upper' layer). All objects must have the same origin, resolution, and coordinate reference system.


# S4 method for Raster,Raster
mosaic(x, y, ..., fun, tolerance=0.05, filename="")


RasterLayer or RasterBrick object.



Raster* object


Raster* object


Additional Raster or Extent objects (and/or arguments for writing files as in writeRaster)


Function. E.g. mean, min, or max. Must be a function that accepts a 'na.rm' argument


Numeric. permissible difference in origin (relative to the cell resolution). See all.equal


Character. Output filename (optional)


The Raster objects must have the same origin and resolution.

See Also


Run this code
r <- raster(ncol=100, nrow=100)
r1 <- crop(r, extent(-10, 11, -10, 11))
r2 <- crop(r, extent(0, 20, 0, 20))
r3 <- crop(r, extent(9, 30, 9, 30))

values(r1) <- 1:ncell(r1)
values(r2) <- 1:ncell(r2)
values(r3) <- 1:ncell(r3)

m1 <- mosaic(r1, r2, r3, fun=mean)

s1 <- stack(r1, r1*2)
s2 <- stack(r2, r2/2)
s3 <- stack(r3, r3*4)
m2 <- mosaic(s1, s2, s3, fun=min)

# if you have a list of Raster objects, you can use do.call
x <- list(r1, r2, r3)
names(x)[1:2] <- c('x', 'y')
x$fun <- mean
x$na.rm <- TRUE

y <- do.call(mosaic, x)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab