Render High Quality
cache_filename = NULL,
camera_location = NULL,
camera_lookat = c(0, 0, 0),
background = NULL,
return_all = FALSE,
width = NULL,
height = NULL,
light_direction = NULL,
fake_shadow = TRUE,
text_angle = NULL,
text_size = 1,
text_offset = c(0, 0, 0),
fov = NULL,
print_scene_info = FALSE,
point_radius = 1,
line_offset = -1e-07,
fsaa = 1,
thick_lines = FALSE,
line_radius = 0.5,
rayvertex_lighting = FALSE,
rayvertex_lights = NULL,
rayvertex_shadow_map = FALSE,
Name of temporary filename to store OBJ file, if the user does not want to rewrite the file each time.
Default `NULL`. Custom position of the camera. The `FOV`, `width`, and `height` arguments will still be derived from the rgl window.
Additional parameters to pass to `rayvertex::rasterize_scene()`
Default `10000`. The width of the plane representing the ground.