if(rayshader:::run_documentation()) {
#Let's first start by drawing some trees in a circle around Monterey Bay
#We won't scale these to a realistic size (yet)
moss_landing_coord = c(36.806807, -121.793332)
montereybay %>%
sphere_shade() %>%
shadowcolor="#40310a", background = "tan",
theta=210, phi=22, zoom=0.20, fov=55)
t = seq(0,2*pi,length.out=20)
circle_coords_lat = moss_landing_coord[1] + 0.3 * sin(t)
circle_coords_long = moss_landing_coord[2] + 0.3 * cos(t)
render_tree(extent = attr(montereybay,"extent"), heightmap = montereybay,
tree_zscale = FALSE, tree_height = 30,
lat = unlist(circle_coords_lat), long = unlist(circle_coords_long), zscale=50)
if(rayshader:::run_documentation()) {
#Change the crown width ratio (compared to the height)
render_tree(extent = attr(montereybay,"extent"), heightmap = montereybay,
tree_zscale = FALSE, tree_height = 60, crown_width_ratio = 0.5,
clear_previous = TRUE,
lat = unlist(circle_coords_lat), long = unlist(circle_coords_long), zscale=50)
if(rayshader:::run_documentation()) {
#Change the trunk height and width
render_tree(extent = attr(montereybay,"extent"), heightmap = montereybay,
tree_zscale = FALSE, tree_height = 40, crown_width_ratio = 2,
clear_previous = TRUE, trunk_height_ratio=1/2, trunk_radius = 1.5,
lat = unlist(circle_coords_lat), long = unlist(circle_coords_long), zscale=50)
if(rayshader:::run_documentation()) {
#Change the tree type
render_tree(extent = attr(montereybay,"extent"), heightmap = montereybay,
tree_zscale = FALSE, tree_height = 30,
clear_previous = TRUE, type = "cone",trunk_height_ratio = 1/6,
lat = unlist(circle_coords_lat), long = unlist(circle_coords_long), zscale=50)
if(rayshader:::run_documentation()) {
#Change the crown color:
render_camera(theta = 150, phi = 38, zoom = 0.4, fov = 55)
render_tree(extent = attr(montereybay,"extent"), heightmap = montereybay,
tree_zscale = FALSE, tree_height = 30, crown_width_ratio = 0.5 + runif(20),
crown_color = rainbow(20), clear_previous = TRUE,
lat = unlist(circle_coords_lat), long = unlist(circle_coords_long), zscale=50)
#We will use the lidR package to generate a DEM and detect the crown tops of trees, and
#then use rayshader to render 3D tree models scaled to those heights on the map.
run_example = length(find.package("lidR", quiet = TRUE)) > 0 &&
length(find.package("sf", quiet = TRUE)) > 0 &&
length(find.package("terra", quiet = TRUE)) > 0 &&
if (run_example) {
#Load the example data from the lidR package
LASfile = system.file("extdata", "Topography.laz", package="lidR")
las = lidR::readLAS(LASfile, filter = "-inside 273450 5274350 273550 5274450")
#Convert the lidar point data to a DEM and detect the location of trees from the same data
dem = lidR::rasterize_terrain(las, algorithm = lidR::tin())
tree_top_data = lidR::locate_trees(las, lidR::lmf(ws = 5))
tree_locations = sf::st_coordinates(tree_top_data)
#Convert DEM to a matrix and extract the extent of the scene
dem_matrix = raster_to_matrix(dem)
dem_extent = terra::ext(dem)
extent_values = dem_extent@ptr$vector
#Plot the ground
dem_matrix |>
height_shade() |>
add_shadow(texture_shade(dem_matrix),0.2) |>
add_shadow(lamb_shade(dem_matrix),0) |>
if (run_example) {
#The tree locations are given as an absolute height (as opposed to relative to the surface)
#so we set `absolute_height = TRUE`.
render_tree(lat = tree_locations[,2],
long = tree_locations[,1],
crown_width_ratio = 0.5,
absolute_height = TRUE,
tree_height = tree_locations[,3],
trunk_height_ratio = 0.2 + 0.1*runif(nrow(tree_locations)),
crown_color = "#00aa00",
extent = raster::extent(extent_values),
heightmap = dem_matrix,
clear_previous = TRUE)
#Remove existing lights and add our own with rgl
rgl::light3d(phi=35,theta=90, viewpoint.rel=F, diffuse="#ffffff", specular="#000000")
rgl::light3d(phi=-45,theta=-40, viewpoint.rel=F, diffuse="#aaaaaa", specular="#000000")
if (run_example) {
#Render tree also works with `render_highquality()`
min_variance = 0, sample_method="sobol_blue", clamp_value=10)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab