if(run_documentation()) {
#Create the water palette
water_palette = colorRampPalette(c("darkblue", "dodgerblue", "lightblue"))(200)
bathy_hs = height_shade(montereybay, texture = water_palette)
#Set scalebar font
par(family = "Arial")
#Generate flat water heightmap
mbay = montereybay
mbay[mbay < 0] = 0
base_map = mbay %>%
height_shade() %>%
add_overlay(generate_altitude_overlay(bathy_hs, montereybay, 0, 0)) %>%
#For convenience, the extent of the montereybay dataset is included as an attribute
mb_extent = attr(montereybay, "extent")
#Add a scalebar
base_map %>%
add_overlay(generate_scalebar_overlay(extent = mb_extent, length = 40000,
heightmap = montereybay,
latlong=TRUE)) %>%
if(run_documentation()) {
#Change the text color
base_map %>%
add_overlay(generate_scalebar_overlay(extent = mb_extent, length = 40000,
text_color = "white",
heightmap = montereybay,
latlong=TRUE)) %>%
if(run_documentation()) {
#Change the length
base_map %>%
add_overlay(generate_scalebar_overlay(extent = mb_extent, length = 30000,
text_color = "white",
heightmap = montereybay,
latlong=TRUE)) %>%
if(run_documentation()) {
#Change the thickness (default is length/20)
base_map %>%
add_overlay(generate_scalebar_overlay(extent = mb_extent, length = 30000,
text_color = "white", thickness = 30000/10,
heightmap = montereybay,
latlong=TRUE)) %>%
if(run_documentation()) {
#Change the text offset (given in multiples of thickness)
base_map %>%
add_overlay(generate_scalebar_overlay(extent = mb_extent, length = 30000,
text_color = "white", thickness = 30000/10,
text_offset = 0.75,
heightmap = montereybay,
latlong=TRUE)) %>%
if(run_documentation()) {
#Change the primary and secondary colors, along with the border and tick color
base_map %>%
add_overlay(generate_scalebar_overlay(extent = mb_extent, length = 30000,
text_color = "white", border_color = "white",
tick_color = "white",
color1 = "darkolivegreen4", color2 = "burlywood3",
heightmap = montereybay,
latlong=TRUE)) %>%
if(run_documentation()) {
#Add a halo
base_map %>%
add_overlay(generate_scalebar_overlay(extent = mb_extent, length = 40000,
halo_color = "white", halo_expand = 1,
heightmap = montereybay,
latlong=TRUE)) %>%
if(run_documentation()) {
#Change the orientation, position, text alignment, and flip the ticks to the other side
base_map %>%
add_overlay(generate_scalebar_overlay(extent = mb_extent, length = 40000, x = 0.07,
bearing=0, adj = 0, flip_ticks = TRUE,
halo_color = "white", halo_expand = 1.5,
heightmap = montereybay,
latlong=TRUE)) %>%
if(run_documentation()) {
#64373.8 meters in 40 miles
#Create custom labels, change font and text size, remove the border/ticks, and change the color
#Here, we specify a width and height to double the resolution of the image (for sharper text)
base_map %>%
add_overlay(generate_scalebar_overlay(extent = mb_extent, length = 64373.8, x = 0.07,
labels = c("0", "20", "40 miles"), thickness=2500,
text_size=3, font = 2, text_offset = 0,
text_color="white", color2="#bf323b", border_color=NA,
tick_color="red", tick_width=0,
bearing=0, adj = 0, flip_ticks = TRUE,
halo_color="black", halo_blur=3, halo_alpha=0.5,
width = ncol(montereybay)*2,
height = nrow(montereybay)*2,
latlong=TRUE), rescale_original=TRUE) %>%
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab