# This function can also create fake "terrain" from polygons by visualizing the distance
# to the nearest edge.
if(run_documentation()) {
#Render the county borders as polygons in Monterey Bay as terrain
montereybay %>%
sphere_shade(texture = "desert") %>%
add_shadow(ray_shade(montereybay,zscale = 50)) %>%
plot_3d(montereybay, water = TRUE, windowsize = 800, watercolor = "dodgerblue",
background = "pink")
#We will apply a negative buffer to create space between adjacent polygons. You may
#have to call `sf::sf_use_s2(FALSE)` before running this code to get it to run.
mont_county_buff = sf::st_simplify(sf::st_buffer(monterey_counties_sf,-0.003), dTolerance=0.001)
render_beveled_polygons(mont_county_buff, flat_shading = TRUE, angle = 45 ,
heightmap = montereybay, bevel_width=2000,
material = "red",
extent = attr(montereybay,"extent"),
bevel_height = 5000, base_height=0,
render_camera(theta = 0, phi = 90, zoom = 0.65, fov = 0)
render_camera(theta=194, phi= 35, zoom = 0.5, fov= 80)
# Changing the color of the beveled top:
if(run_documentation()) {
render_beveled_polygons(mont_county_buff, flat_shading = TRUE, angle = 45 ,
heightmap = montereybay, bevel_width=2000,
material = "tan", bevel_material = "darkgreen",
extent = attr(montereybay,"extent"), clear_previous=TRUE,
bevel_height = 5000, base_height=0,
# We can create a nice curved surface by passing in a bevel generated with the
# `raybevel::generate_bevel()` function.
if(run_documentation()) {
render_beveled_polygons(mont_county_buff, flat_shading = TRUE, heightmap = montereybay,
bevel = raybevel::generate_bevel("exp",bevel_end = 0.4),
#max_height = 10, scale_all_max = TRUE, set_max_height = TRUE,
material = rayvertex::material_list(diffuse="red",
ambient = "darkred",
diffuse_intensity = 0.2,
ambient_intensity = 0.1),
light_intensity = 1, light_relative = FALSE,
extent = attr(montereybay,"extent"), bevel_height = 5000,
base_height=0, clear_previous = TRUE,
# While the bevels all start at the same point in the above example,
# they rise to different levels due to being scaled by the maximum internal distance
# in the polygon. Setting `scale_all_max = TRUE` ensures the bevels are all scaled to the
# same maximum height (in this case, 3000m above the 5000m bevel start height).
if(run_documentation()) {
render_beveled_polygons(mont_county_buff, flat_shading = TRUE, heightmap = montereybay,
bevel = raybevel::generate_bevel("exp",bevel_end = 0.4),
max_height = 3000, scale_all_max = TRUE, set_max_height = TRUE,
material = rayvertex::material_list(diffuse="red",
ambient = "darkred",
diffuse_intensity = 0.2,
ambient_intensity = 0.1),
light_intensity = 1, light_relative = FALSE,
extent = attr(montereybay,"extent"), bevel_height = 5000,
base_height=0, clear_previous = TRUE,
# Rendering the polygons with `render_highquality()`
if(run_documentation()) {
# We can scale the size of the polygon to a column in the `sf` object as well:
# raybevel::generate_bevel() function. We can scale this data down using the `scale_data`
# argument. Note that this is applied as well as the `zscale` argument, and that you
# must think carefully about your scales and values if trying to represent a meaningful
# data visualization with this object.
if(run_documentation()) {
render_beveled_polygons(mont_county_buff, flat_shading = TRUE, angle = 45, bevel_width=1000,
data_column_top = "ALAND", scale_data = 1e-5, heightmap = montereybay,
#max_height = 1000, scale_all_max = TRUE, set_max_height = TRUE,
material = rayvertex::material_list(diffuse="red"),
light_intensity = 1, light_relative = FALSE,
extent = attr(montereybay,"extent"), clear_previous = TRUE,
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab