- filename
Default `NA`. Filename of saved image. If missing, will display to current device.
- samples
Default `128`. The maximum number of samples for each pixel. Increase this to increase the quality of the rendering.
- sample_method
Default `"sobol_blue"`, unless `samples > 256`, in which it defaults to `"sobol"`.
The type of sampling method used to generate random numbers.
The other options are `random` (worst quality but fastest),
`sobol_blue` (best option for sample counts below 256), and `sobol`
(slowest but best quality, better than `sobol_blue` for sample counts greater than 256).
- min_variance
Default `1e-6`. Minimum acceptable variance for a block of pixels for the adaptive sampler.
Smaller numbers give higher quality images, at the expense of longer rendering times.
If this is set to zero, the adaptive sampler will be turned off and the renderer will use the maximum number of samples everywhere.
- light
Default `TRUE`. Whether there should be a light in the scene. If not, the scene will be lit with a bluish sky.
- lightdirection
Default `315`. Position of the light angle around the scene.
If this is a vector longer than one, multiple lights will be generated (using values from
`lightaltitude`, `lightintensity`, and `lightcolor`)
- lightaltitude
Default `45`. Angle above the horizon that the light is located.
If this is a vector longer than one, multiple lights will be generated (using values from
`lightdirection`, `lightintensity`, and `lightcolor`)
- lightsize
Default `NULL`. Radius of the light(s). Automatically chosen, but can be set here by the user.
- lightintensity
Default `500`. Intensity of the light.
- lightcolor
Default `white`. The color of the light.
- material
Default `rayrender::diffuse()`. The material properties of the object file. Only used if `override_material = TRUE`
- override_material
Default `FALSE`. Whether to override the default diffuse material with that in argument `material`.
- cache_scene
Default `FALSE`. Whether to cache the current scene to memory so it does not have to be converted to a `raymesh` object
each time `render_snapshot()` is called. If `TRUE` and a scene has been cached, it will be used when rendering.
- reset_scene_cache
Default `FALSE`. Resets the scene cache before rendering.
- width
Defaults to the width of the rgl window. Width of the rendering.
- height
Defaults to the height of the rgl window. Height of the rendering.
- text_angle
Default `NULL`, which forces the text always to face the camera. If a single angle (degrees),
will specify the absolute angle all the labels are facing. If three angles, this will specify all three orientations
(relative to the x,y, and z axes) of the text labels.
- text_size
Default `6`. Height of the text.
- text_offset
Default `c(0,0,0)`. Offset to be applied to all text labels.
- line_radius
Default `0.5`. Radius of line/path segments.
- point_radius
Default `0.5`. Radius of 3D points (rendered with `render_points()`.
- smooth_line
Default `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, the line will be rendered with a continuous smooth line, rather
than straight segments.
- use_extruded_paths
Default `TRUE`. If `FALSE`, paths will be generated with the `rayrender::path()` object, instead
of `rayrender::extruded_path()`.
- scale_text_angle
Default `NULL`. Same as `text_angle`, but for the scale bar.
- scale_text_size
Default `6`. Height of the scale bar text.
- scale_text_offset
Default `c(0,0,0)`. Offset to be applied to all scale bar text labels.
- title_text
Default `NULL`. Text. Adds a title to the image, using magick::image_annotate.
- title_offset
Default `c(20,20)`. Distance from the top-left (default, `gravity` direction in
image_annotate) corner to offset the title.
- title_color
Default `black`. Font color.
- title_size
Default `30`. Font size in pixels.
- title_font
Default `sans`. String with font family such as "sans", "mono", "serif", "Times", "Helvetica",
"Trebuchet", "Georgia", "Palatino" or "Comic Sans".
- title_bar_color
Default `NULL`. If a color, this will create a colored bar under the title.
- title_bar_alpha
Default `0.5`. Transparency of the title bar.
- ground_material
Default `diffuse()`. Material defined by the rayrender material functions.
- ground_size
Default `100000`. The width of the plane representing the ground.
- scene_elements
Default `NULL`. Extra scene elements to add to the scene, created with rayrender.
- camera_location
Default `NULL`. Custom position of the camera. The `FOV`, `width`, and `height` arguments will still
be derived from the rgl window.
- camera_lookat
Default `NULL`. Custom point at which the camera is directed. The `FOV`, `width`, and `height` arguments will still
be derived from the rgl window.
- camera_interpolate
Default `c(0,0)`. Maximum `1`, minimum `0`. Sets the camera at a point between the `rgl` view and the `camera_location`
and `camera_lookat` vectors.
- clear
Default `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, the current `rgl` device will be cleared.
- return_scene
Default `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, this will return the rayrender scene (instead of rendering the image).
- print_scene_info
Default `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, it will print the position and lookat point of the camera.
- clamp_value
Default `10`. See documentation for `rayrender::render_scene()`.
- calculate_consistent_normals
Default `FALSE`. Whether to calculate consistent vertex normals to prevent energy
loss at edges.
- load_normals
Default `TRUE`. Whether to load the vertex normals if they exist in the OBJ file.
- point_material
Default `rayrender::diffuse`. The rayrender material function to be applied
to point data.
- point_material_args
Default empty `list()`. The function arguments to `point_material`.
The argument `color` will be automatically extracted from the rgl scene, but all other arguments
can be specified here.
- path_material
Default `rayrender::diffuse`. The rayrender material function to be applied
to path data.
- path_material_args
Default empty `list()`. The function arguments to `path_material`.
The argument `color` will be automatically extracted from the rgl scene, but all other arguments
can be specified here.
- animation_camera_coords
Default `NULL`. Expects camera animation output from either `convert_path_to_animation_coords()`
or `rayrender::generate_camera_motion()` functions.
- ...
Additional parameters to pass to `rayrender::render_scene`()