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Add a "hexbin" layer to a Bokeh figure
ly_hexbin( fig, x, y = NULL, data = figure_data(fig), xbins = 30, shape = 1, xbnds = NULL, ybnds = NULL, style = "colorscale", trans = NULL, inv = NULL, lname = NULL, palette = "RdYlGn11", line = FALSE, alpha = 1, hover = TRUE )
figure to modify
values or field name of center x coordinates to be binned
values or field name of center y coordinates to be binned
an optional data frame, providing the source for x and y
parameters passed to hexbin
type of plotting for hexbins (see grid.hexagons) - "colorramp" and "lattice" are currently supported
transformation and inverse transformation function for the bin counts
layer name
name of color palette to use for color ramp (see here for acceptable values)
logical - should hexagons have an outline?
the alpha transparency of the hexagons between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque)
logical - should a hover tool be added to show the count in each hexagon?
# NOT RUN { figure() %>% ly_hexbin(rnorm(10000), rnorm(10000)) # }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab