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rcmdcheck (version 1.4.0)

rcmdcheck_process: Run an R CMD check process in the background


rcmdcheck_process is an R6 class, that extends the callr::rcmd_process class (which in turn extends processx::process.


cp <- rcmdcheck_process$new(path = ".", args = character(),
         build_args = character(), check_dir = NULL,
         libpath = .libPaths(), repos = getOption("repos"))


Other methods are inherited from callr::rcmd_process and processx::process.

Note that you calling the get_output_connection and get_error_connection method on this is not a good idea, because then the stdout and/or stderr of the process will not be collected for parse_results().

You can still use the read_output_lines() and read_error_lines() methods to read the standard output and error, parse_results() is not affected by that.


  • cp: A new rcmdcheck_process object.

  • path: Path to a package tree or a package archive file. This is the package to check.

  • args: Command line arguments to R CMD check.

  • build_args: Command line arguments to R CMD build.

  • check_dir: Directory for the results.

  • libpath: The library path to set for the check.

  • repos: The repos option to set for the check. This is needed for cyclic dependency checks if you use the --as-cran argument. The default uses the current value.

  • env: A named character vector, extra environment variables to set in the check process.


Most methods are inherited from callr::rcmd_process and processx::process.

cp$parse_results() parses the results, and returns an S3 object with fields errors, warnnigs and notes, just like rcmdcheck(). It is an error to call it before the process has finished. Use the wait() method to wait for the check to finish, or the is_alive() method to check if it is still running.