A data frame of statistics from the analysis: number of observations,
critical level for x, sum of squares, critical value for y, the
number of observations in each of the quadrants (I, II, III, IV),
the number of observations that conform with the model,
the proportion of observations that conform with the model,
the number of observations that do not conform to the model,
the proportion of observations that do not conform to the model,
a p-value for the Fisher exact test for the data divided into
the groups indicated by the model,
and Cramer's V for the data divided into
the groups indicated by the model.
Output also includes printed lists of critical values,
explanation of the values in the data frame,
and plots: y vs. x; sum of squares vs. critical x value;
the number of observations that do not conform to the model vs.
critical y value;
and y vs. x with the critical values shown as lines on the plot,
and the quadrants labeled.