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rdmulti (version 0.2)

rdmulti-package: rdmulti: analysis of RD Designs with multiple cutoffs or scores


The regression discontinuity (RD) design is a popular quasi-experimental design for causal inference and policy evaluation. The 'rdmulti' package provides tools to analyze RD designs with multiple cutoffs or scores: rdmc() estimates pooled and cutoff-speficif effects in multi-cutoff designs, rdmcplot() draws RD plots for multi-cutoff RD designs and rdms() estimates effects in cumulative cutoffs or multi-score designs. For more details, and related Stata and R packages useful for analysis of RD designs, visit https://sites.google.com/site/rdpackages.



M.D. Cattaneo, R. Titiunik and G. Vazquez-Bare. (2018). Analysis of Regression Discontinuity Designs with Multiple Cutoffs or Multiple Scores. Working paper, University of Michigan.