The name of the local copy. Leave this blank if you're fine with the original name.
Default is FALSE but can be set to TRUE.
By default verbose output is FALSE. Set to TRUE
if you need to troubleshoot any output or grab additional parameters.
Progress bars are turned off by default. Set to TRUE ot turn this on. Progress is only reported when file sizes are known. Otherwise just bytes downloaded.
The Dropbox token generated by drop_auth. rdrop2
will try to automatically locate your local credential cache and use them.
However, if the credentials are not found, the function will initiate a new
authentication request. You can override this in drop_auth by
pointing to a different location where your credentials are stored.
# NOT RUN { drop_get(path = '', local_file = "~/Desktop")
# To overwrite the existing file drop_get(path = '', overwrite = TRUE)
# }# NOT RUN {# }