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if (FALSE) # Not tested with R CMD check because of file writing
link <- "daily/kl/historical/"
ind <- createIndex(link, dir=tempdir())
# res var per id start end ismeta
# daily kl historical 699 1949-01-01 1958-06-30 FALSE
link2 <- "daily/kl/historical/KL_Tageswerte_Beschreibung_Stationen.txt"
link3 <- "daily/kl/recent/KL_Tageswerte_Beschreibung_Stationen.txt"
ind2 <- createIndex(c(link,link2,link3), dir=tempdir(), meta=TRUE, checkwarn=FALSE)
lapply(ind2, head)
link4 <- "1_minute/precipitation/meta_data/"
ind <- createIndex(link4, dir=tempdir())
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab