The country, subnational1 or subnational2 code. If `regionCode` is provided then
latitude and longitude are ignored.
Decimal latitude. value between -90.00 and 90.00, up to two
decimal places of precision. Defaults to latitude based on IP if neither `regionCode`
nor `lat` and `lng` are provided.
Decimal longitude. value between -180.00 and 180.00, up to
two decimal places of precision. Defaults to longitude based on IP if neither `regionCode`
nor `lat` and `lng` are provided.
The search radius from the given set of coordinates, in kilometers (between 0 and 500, defaults to 25).
Only fetch hotspots which have been visited up to 'back' days ago (defaults to `NULL`).
Time (in seconds) before function sends API call (defaults to
zero. Set to higher number if you are using this function in a loop with
many API calls).
eBird API key. You can obtain one from
We strongly recommend storing it in your .Renviron file as an
environment variable called EBIRD_KEY.