When region is a hotspot, a data frame (with some redundant information) containing:
"locId", "locID": hotspot ID
"name", "locName": hotspot name
"latitude", "longitude", "lat", "long": hotspot latitude and longitude (point location)
"countryCode", "countryName": code and name of the country where hotspot is located
"subnational1Code", "subnational1Name": code and name of the subnational1 area (e.g. state or province) where hotspot is located
"subnational2Code", "subnational2Name": code and name of the subnational2 area (e.g. county) where hotspot is located
"isHotspot": logical, whether region is a hotspot (should always be TRUE)
"hierarchicalName": full hotspot name including subnational1, subnational2, and country info
When region is a subnational1, subnational2, or country code, a data frame containing:
"region": name of the region, varies depending on value of "format" provided
"minX", "maxX", "minY", "maxY": lat/long bounds of the region