The data was created by sampling and processing the logs.
The data records the use of by 38000 anonymous,
randomly-selected users. For each user, the data lists all the areas of the web
site (Vroots) that user visited in a one week timeframe in February 1998.
This dataset contains 32710 valid users and 285 Vroots.
J. Breese, D. Heckerman., C. Kadie (1998). Empirical Analysis of Predictive
Algorithms for Collaborative Filtering, Proceedings of the Fourteenth
Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Madison, WI.
# NOT RUN {data(MSWeb)
## look at first two usersas(MSWeb[1:2,], "list")
## items per userhist(rowCounts(MSWeb), main="Distribution of Vroots visited per user")
# }