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redcapAPI (version 2.10.0)

exportLogging: Export Logging Records


These methods enable to user to export the logging (audit trail) of all changes made to a project, including data exports, data changes, project metadata changes, modification of user rights, etc.


  logtype = character(0),
  user = character(0),
  record = character(0),
  dag = character(0),
  beginTime = as.POSIXct(character(0)),
  endTime = as.POSIXct(character(0)),
  batchInterval = NULL,

# S3 method for redcapApiConnection exportLogging( rcon, logtype = character(0), user = character(0), record = character(0), dag = character(0), beginTime = as.POSIXct(character(0)), endTime = as.POSIXct(character(0)), batchInterval = NULL, ... )


Returns a data frame with columns

timestampThe date/time of the logging record.
usernameThe user name of the user that performed the action being logged.
actionThe classification of action being logged.
detailsDetails of the action being logged.
recordThe record ID associated with the action being logged. When not related to a record, this will be NA



A redcapConnection object.


character(0/1). The log event types to export. When the length is zero, all event types are exported. Otherwise, it must be one of c("export", "manage", "user", "record", "record_add", "record_edit", "record_delete", "lock_record", "page_view")


character(0/1). Users for whom to return logs. By default logs for all users are returned.


character(0/1). Record ID for which logs are to be returned. By default, logs are returned for all records.


character(0/1). Data access group ID for which to return logs. By default, logs are returned for all data access groups.


POSIXct(0/1). When given, only logs recorded on or after this time will be returned. The time specified is rounded to minutes and ignores the timezone. This can cause issues if the caller and server computers are configured in different timezones. Least surprising behavior is making sure the date specified is encoded in the timezone of the REDCap server.


POSIXct(0/1). When given, only logs recorded on or before this time will be returned. If using batchInterval it will only be before this time. See beginTime for details on time encoding.


integerish(1). When provided will batch log pulls to intervals of this many days. Requires that beginTime is specified.


Arguments to pass to other methods


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())
# Export all of the logging events       
# Export all of the events for record '2'
              record = "2")
# Export all of the events where a record was deleted
             logtype = "record_delete")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab