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redcapAPI (version 2.10.0)

missingSummary: Report of Missing Values


Returns a data frame of subject events with missing values.


missingSummary(rcon, excludeMissingForms = TRUE, ...)

# S3 method for redcapApiConnection missingSummary(rcon, excludeMissingForms = TRUE, ...)

missingSummary_offline(records, meta_data, excludeMissingForms = TRUE)



A redcapConnection object.


logical(1) When TRUE, forms where all fields are missing are assumed to be deliberately missing data and are excluded from the count of missing values. An example when this is desirable is if a patient did not experience an adverse event; the adverse event form would contain no data and the empty fields should not be considered missing data.


additional arguments passed to inner call of exportRecordsTyped.


character(1) A filename pointing to the raw records download from REDCap.


character(1) A filename pointing to the data dictionary download from REDCap.


The intention of this function is to generate a list of subject events that are missing and could potentially be values that should have been entered.

The branching logic from the data dictionary is parsed and translated into and R expression. When a field with branching logic passes the logical statement, it is evaluated with is.na, otherwise, it is set to FALSE (non-missing, because there was never an opportunity to provide a value). The utility of this function is limited to simple logic where all of the data exist within the same row. Any complex statements using events will result in a failure.

Optionally, forms that are entirely missing can be determined to be non-missing. This is applicable when, for instance, a patient did not have an adverse event. In this case, a form dedicated to adverse events would contain meaningless missing values and could be excluded from the report.

See Also

vignette("redcapAPI-offline-connection", package = "redcapAPI")


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())
# Generate a summary of missing values for the entire project

# Generate a summary of missing values for a single form
               exportRecordsArgs = list(forms = "target_form"))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab