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redcapAPI (version 2.10.0)

projectInformationMethods: Export and Import Project Settings


These methods enable the user to export or update project level settings, such as the project title, if it is longitudinal, if surveys are enabled, etc.


exportProjectInformation(rcon, ...)

importProjectInformation(rcon, data, ...)

# S3 method for redcapApiConnection exportProjectInformation(rcon, ...)

# S3 method for redcapApiConnection importProjectInformation(rcon, data, ...)


exportProjectInformation returns a data frame with the columns

project_idThe internal ID number assigned to the project.
project_titleThe project title given to the project.
creation_timeThe date/time the project was created.
production_timeThe date/time the project was moved into production status.
in_productionBoolean value indicating if the project is in production status.
project_languageThe language associated with the project.
purposeAn integerish value identifying the purpose of the project. 0 = "Practice/Just for fun", 1 = "Other", 2 = "Research", 3 = "Quality Improvement", 4 = "Operational Support".
purpose_otherThe user supplied character value given when the project purpose is 'Other'.
project_notesThe user supplied notes about the project.
custom_record_labelThe user provided custom label for the record identifier field.
secondary_unique_fieldThe name of the secondary unique field, if this has been configured.
is_longitudinalBoolean value indicating if the project is a longitudinal project.
has_repeating_instruments_or_eventsBoolean value indicating if the repeating instruments or events module has been enabled.
surveys_enabledBoolean value indicating if the surveys module has been enabled.
scheduling_enabledBoolean value indicating if the scheduling module has been enabled.
record_autonumbering_enabledBoolean value indicating if the record autonumbering feature has been enabled.
randomization_enabledBoolean value indicating if the randomization module has been enabled.
ddp_enabledBoolean value indicating if dynamic data pull has been enabled for a project (may only be enabled by a REDCap administrator).
project_irb_numberThe user provided IRB number for the project.
project_grant_numberThe user provided grant number for the project.
project_pi_firstnameThe first name of the principal investigator.
project_pi_lastnameThe last name of the principal investigator.
display_today_now_buttonBoolean value indicating if the today/now button is displayed for date/time fields in the UI.
missing_data_codesCharacter value giving the missing data codes enabled for the project. They are given in the format [code],[label], with each coding separated by a pipe character.
external_modulesCharacter value listing the external modules enabled.
bypass_branching_erase_field_promptBoolean value indicating if the box for "Prevent branching logic from hiding fields that have values" has been checked under "Additional Customizations."

importProjectInformation invisibly returns the number of fields updated.



A redcapConnection object.


data.frame with only one row and any subset of allowable fields to be updated. See Details.


Arguments to pass to other methods


  • exportProjectInformation(): Export project settings.

  • importProjectInformation(): Import project settings.


When importing, fields that are not editable will be quietly removed prior to import. This allows the user to use the result of exportProjectInformation as a template for the import.

For any values that are boolean, they should be represented as either a '0' (no/false) or '1' (yes/true).

It is not required for data to have all of the fields, but only the fields the user wishes to update (see examples).

The following project attributes can be updated:

  • project_title

  • project_language

  • purpose

  • purpose_other

  • project_notes

  • custom_record_label

  • secondary_unique_field

  • is_longitudinal

  • surveys_enabled

  • scheduling_enabled

  • record_autonumbering_enabled

  • randomization_enabled

  • project_irb_number

  • project_grant_number

  • project_pi_firstname

  • project_pi_lastname

  • display_today_now_button

  • bypass_branching_erase_field_prompt


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())

# Export Project Information

# Import a new project title
NewData <- data.frame(project_title = "New Title Name")
                         data = NewData)
# Enable surveys in the project
NewData <- data.frame(surveys_enabled = 1)
                         data = NewData)
# Change multiple fields in the project settings
NewData <- data.frame(project_irb_number = "IRB-12345", 
                      display_today_now_button = 0, 
                      scheduling_enabled = 1)
                         data = NewData)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab