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redcapAPI (version 2.10.0)

reviewInvalidRecords: Review Invalid Records Following Field Validation


This function retrieves a summary of data elements that failed validation during field validation and casting.


reviewInvalidRecords(data, quiet = TRUE)


If data has the "invalid" attribute, an object with class c("invalid", "data.frame") is returned. (NULL will be returned if data does not have the attribute).

The colums in the Invalid data frame are

rowThe row number from the Records data frame for which validation failed.
record_idThe record ID for the failed validation.
field_nameThe field name (column) of the failed validation.
field_typeThe field type of the failed validation.
valueThe original value that failed validation. It will be replaced with NA in the Records data.

The Invalid data frame has additional attributes

  • time - The date/time at which the validation was performed.

  • version - The REDCap version number (as retrieved by exportVersion).

  • project - The title of the REDCap project (as retrieved by exportProjectInformation).



data.frame. The result of a function that performed field validation.


logical(1). When TRUE, a message will be printed if the invalid attribute is not found on data. Otherwise, the message is suppressed.


When discussing field validation and invalid data, it is helpful to establish the following terminology:

A Records data frame is a data frame returned by a function where the fields (columns) in the data frame have been cast for subsequent analysis.

Some casting function also perform field validation and return an Invalid data frame, which is a listing of data elements that have failed validation. The Invalid data frame is attached as an attribute to the Records data frame. If no data elements fail the validation, the Invalid data frame will have zero rows. If at least one data element fails validation, a warning is printed to notify the user so that the user may review the Invalid data frame and mitigate the failed validations.

The Invalid data frame has an additional class (c("invalid", "data.frame")) and comes with a print method. The print.invalid method displays the content of the Invalid data frame neatly in both the console and within reports utilizing markdown.

See Also



Run this code
if (FALSE) {
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())
# Review the Invalid data frame after export
Records <- exportRecordsTyped(rcon)

# Review Invalid data frame before import
Records <- castForImport(rcon)

# Access the Invalid data frame the attributes
Records <- exportRecordsTyped(rcon)
attr(Records, "invalid")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab