This function allows you to export the Arms for a project Note: this only works for longitudinal projects
exportArms(rcon, ...)# S3 method for redcapDbConnection
exportArms(rcon, ...)
# S3 method for redcapApiConnection
arms = NULL,
error_handling = getOption("redcap_error_handling")
Returns a data frame with two columns
The arm number
The arm's descriptive name
A REDCap connection object as generated by redcapConnection
Arguments to be passed to other methods.
A numeric vector or arm numbers to retrieve. In REDCap 6.5.0, using this argument results in an empty data frame being returned.
An option for how to handle errors returned by the API.
see redcap_error
This function allows you to export the Arms for a project
NOTE: this only works for longitudinal projects.
In versions earlier than 5.9.15, providing a value to the arms
had no effect and the entire data frame of arms is returned.
This was fixed in version 5.9.15. Sometime before 6.5.0, using the arms
argument resulted in empty data frames being returned.
In most cases, the number or arms is fairly small, so there is no real performance benefit to only selecting a subset of the arms. The safest course of action is to export all of the arms (the default behavior)
Benjamin Nutter
It is not sufficient to make the project a longitudinal project. The
project must satisfy one of two conditions: 1) have at least two arms and
one event defined in each arm; or 2) have one arm and at least two events defined. If
neither of these conditions are satisfied, the API will return a message
such as ERROR: You cannot export arms for classic projects
, an
error message that isn't as descriptive of the nature of the problem as
we might like.
Please refer to your institution's API documentation.
Additional details on API parameters are found on the package wiki at