Retrieve a data frame giving the events-form mapping for a project.
exportMappings(rcon, arms, ...)# S3 method for redcapDbConnection
exportMappings(rcon, arms, ...)
# S3 method for redcapApiConnection
arms = NULL,
error_handling = getOption("redcap_error_handling")
A REDCap connection object as generated by redcapConnection
A vector of arm numbers that you wish to pull events for (by default, all events are pulled)
Arguments to be passed to other methods
An option for how to handle errors returned by the API.
see redcap_error
This function allows you to export the instrument-event mappings for a project (i.e., how the data collection instruments are designated for certain events in a longitudinal project).
NOTE: this only works for longitudinal projects
5.8.2+ (and earlier, but we don't know how much earlier)
Benjamin Nutter
The data frame that is returned shows the arm number, unique event name, and forms mapped in a project.
When this function is called for a classic project, a character string is returned giving the API error message, '400: You cannot export form-event mappings for classic projects' but without casting an error in R. This is by design and allows more flexible error checks in certain functions.
Please refer to your institution's API documentation.
Additional details on API parameters are found on the package wiki at