Exports reports from a REDCap Database and formats data if requested
factors = TRUE,
labels = TRUE,
dates = TRUE,
checkboxLabels = FALSE,
)# S3 method for redcapDbConnection
factors = TRUE,
labels = TRUE,
dates = TRUE,
checkboxLabels = FALSE,
# S3 method for redcapApiConnection
factors = TRUE,
labels = TRUE,
dates = TRUE,
checkboxLabels = FALSE,
bundle = getOption("redcap_bundle"),
error_handling = getOption("redcap_error_handling")
A REDCap connection object as created by redcapConnection
Integer. Gives the report id of the desired report. This is located on the Report Builder page of the user interface on REDCap.
Logical. Determines if categorical data from the database is returned as numeric codes or labelled factors.
Logical. Determines if the variable labels are applied to the data frame.
Logical. Determines if date variables are converted to POSIXlt format during the download.
Logical. Determines the format of labels in checkbox
variables. If FALSE
labels are applies as "Unchecked"/"Checked".
, they are applied as ""/"[field_labe]" where [field_label]
is the label assigned to the level in the data dictionary. This option
is only available after REDCap version 6.0.
Additional arguments to be passed between methods.
A redcapBundle
object as created by exportBundle
An option for how to handle errors returned by the API.
see redcap_error
This function allows you to export the data set of a report created on a project's "Data Exports, Reports, and Stats" page.
Note about export rights (6.0.0+): Please be aware that Data Export user rights will be applied to this API request. For example, if you have "No Access" data export rights in the project, then the API report export will fail and return an error. And if you have "De-Identified" or "Remove all tagged Identifier fields" data export rights, then some data fields *might* be removed and filtered out of the data set returned from the API. To make sure that no data is unnecessarily filtered out of your API request, you should have "Full Data Set" export rights in the project.
Benjamin Nutter
A record of exports through the API is recorded in the Logging section of the project.
Reports are exported based on their id number, which can be looked up in the Reports page of a project