Returns a data frame of instruments, names, etc.
exportInstruments(rcon, ...)# S3 method for redcapApiConnection
error_handling = getOption("redcap_error_handling")
A REDCap connection object as generated by redcapConnection
Arguments to be passed to other methods.
An option for how to handle errors returned by the API.
see redcap_error
6.5.0 +
This function allows you to export a list of the data collection instruments for a project. This includes their unique instrument name as seen in the second column of the Data Dictionary, as well as each instrument's corresponding instrument label, which is seen on a project's left-hand menu when entering data. The instruments will be ordered according to their order in the project.
Benjamin Nutter
Please refer to your institution's API documentation.
Additional details on API parameters are found on the package wiki at