Retrieves the meta data for a REDcap database, including field names, labels, types, formulas, etc. This file can be used to parse levels of factors, apply labels, and other data management tasks once the data are retrieved
exportMetaData(rcon, ...)# S3 method for redcapApiConnection
fields = character(0),
forms = character(0),
error_handling = getOption("redcap_error_handling"),
drop_utf8 = FALSE,
config = list(),
api_param = list()
A REDCap connection object as generated by redcapConnection.
Arguments to be passed to other methods.
A character vector of field names for which the metadata is to be retrieved.
A character vector of forms for which the metadata is to be
retrieved. Note that if a form name is given, all of the fields on that form
will be returned, regardless of whether it is included in fields
not. Be careful to use the form names in the second column of the data
dictionary, and not the display names shown on the webpage.
An option for how to handle errors returned by the API.
see redcap_error
. In some cases, UTF-8 characters can
pose problems for exporting the data dictionary. Set this to TRUE
to replace any UTF-8 characters with empty characters.
Additional configuration parameters to pass to
. These are appended to any parameters in
Additional API parameters to pass into the
body of the API call. This provides users to execute calls with options
that may not otherwise be supported by redcapAPI
This function allows you to export the metadata for a project
5.8.2+ (and earlier, but we don't know how much earlier)
Jeffrey Horner
A record of this export is placed in the REDCap logging page, but the file that is exported is not stored in the database.