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redcapAPI (version 2.7.1)

importFileRepository: Import a Folder and its Contents to the File Repository


This method allows you to import multiple files into a project's File Repository. The files may be stored in a specific folder in the File Repository if a folder_id is provided.


importFileRepository(rcon, dir, folder_id = numeric(0), ...)

# S3 method for redcapApiConnection importFileRepository( rcon, dir, folder_id = numeric(0), dag_id = numeric(0), role_id = numeric(0), recursive = FALSE, ..., refresh = TRUE, error_handling = getOption("redcap_error_handling"), config = list(), api_param = list() )



A redcap connection object.


character(1) A directory on the local system with the files to be imported to the File Repository.


integerish(0/1). The ID of the folder into which the file is to be imported. If length is zero, it is imported to the top-level folder.


Additional arguments to be passed between methods


integerish(0/1) The ID of a data access group. If provided, access to the folder will be restricted to the DAG.


integerish(0/1) The ID of a role. If provided, access to the folder will be restricted to users with that role.


logical(1). If FALSE, only the files in the immediate directory are loaded to the File Repository. If TRUE subfolders and their contents will also be added.


logical(1) When TRUE (default), the cached File Repository data on rcon will be refreshed.


An option for how to handle errors returned by the API. see redcap_error


list Additional configuration parameters to pass to POST. These are appended to any parameters in rcon$config.


list Additional API parameters to pass into the body of the API call. This provides users to execute calls with options that may not otherwise be supported by redcapAPI.


Benjamin Nutter