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redcapAPI (version 2.7.1)

importMetaData: Import Meta Data (Data Dictionary) to a Project


This method allows you to import metadata (i.e., Data Dictionary) into a project. Notice: Because of this method's destructive nature, it is only available for use for projects in Development status.


importMetaData(rcon, data, ...)

# S3 method for redcapApiConnection importMetaData( rcon, data, refresh = TRUE, ..., field_types = REDCAP_METADATA_FIELDTYPE, validation_types = REDCAP_METADATA_VALIDATION_TYPE, error_handling = getOption("redcap_error_handling"), config = list(), api_param = list() )



a redcapConnection object.


data.frame with the Meta Data to import.


Additional arguments to pass to other methods.


logical(1). When TRUE, the cached metadata and instruments will be refreshed after the import.


character giving the acceptable field types when validating the field_type column.


character giving the acceptable values for the text_validation_or_show_slider_number column.


An option for how to handle errors returned by the API. see redcap_error


named list. Additional configuration parameters to pass to httr::POST, These are appended to any parameters in rcon$config


named list. Additional API parameters to pass into the body of the API call. This provides users to execute calls with options that may not otherwise be supported by redcapAPI.


Field names may start with a letter, have any number of letters, numbers, or underscores, and end in either a letter or a number. All letters must be lowercase (the function will coerce them to lower before checking for duplicate field names).

Form names may start with a letter, have any number of letters, numbers, or underscores, and end in either a letter or a number. All letters must be lowercase (the function will coerce them to lower before checking for duplicate field names).

Field types may be one of REDCAP_METADATA_FIELDTYPE. In the event that a new field type is added to REDCap and redcapAPI isn't yet updated, you may add additional values via c(REDCAP_METADATA_FIELDTYPE, "new_type").

Validation types may be one of REDCAP_METADATA_VALIDATION_TYPE or NA. AS with field types, additional values can be appended if necessary. Only fields that have a field type of "text" or "slider" should have a validation type. "slider" fields should be either NA (do not display the selected number) or "number".

For multiple choice fields, the selection choices take the format of "code1, label1 | ... | coden, labeln". For slider fields, the format is "left_value | mid_value | right_value". Any of those values may be an empty character, but the two pipes are required, nonetheless.

For calculated fields, the values in "select_choices_or_calculations" are currently unvalidated.

All of the values between brackets in the branching logic must be either a field name or an existing unique event name (such as "event_1_arm_1")