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COVID19: The US weekly all-cause mortality and COVID19-associated deaths in 2020


The COVID19 mortality data used in the "Functional Data Analysis with R" book





A list made up of


A numeric vector of length 207, which contains the total number of weekly all-cause deaths in the US from January 14, 2017 to December 26, 2020;


A vector of dates of length 207, which contains the weeks corresponding to the US_weekly_mort vector;


A numeric vector of length 52, which contains the total number of weekly COVID 19 deaths in the US from January 4, 2020 to December 26, 2020;


A vector of dates of length 52, which contains the weeks corresponding to the US_weekly_mort_CV19 vector;


A numeric vector of length 52, which contains the US weekly excess mortality (total mortality in one week in 2020 minus total mortality in the corresponding week of 2019) from January 4, 2020 to December 26, 2020;


A vector dates of length 52, which contains the weeks corresponding to the US_weekly_excess_mort_2020 vector.;


A vector of strings containing the names of 52 US states and territories in alphabetic order. These are the states for which all-cause and Covid-19 data are available in this data set;


A numeric vector containing the population of the 52 states in the vector US_states_names estimated as of July 1, 2020. The order of the vector US_states_population is the same as that of US_states_names;


A numeric 52 x 52 dimensional matrix that contains the weekly US excess mortality in 52 states and territories. Each row corresponds to one state in the same order as the vector US_states_names. Each column corresponds to a week in 2020 corresponding to the order in the vector US_weekly_excess_mort_2020_dates. The (i,j)th entry of the matrix is the difference in all-cause mortality during the week j of 2020 and 2019 for state i;


A numeric 52 x 52 dimensional matrix that contains the weekly US excess mortality in 52 states and territories per one million individuals. This is obtained by dividing every row (corresponding to a state) of States_excess_mortality by the population of that state stored in US_states_population and multiplying by one million;


A numeric 52 x 52 dimensional matrix that contains the weekly US Covid-19 mortality in 52 states and territories. Each row corresponds to one state in the same order as the vector US_states_names. Each column corresponds to a week in 2020 corresponding to the order in the vector US_weekly_excess_mort_2020_dates;


A numeric 52 x 52 dimensional matrix that contains the weekly US Covid-19 mortality in 52 states and territories per one million individuals. This is obtained by dividing every row (corresponding to a state) of States_CV19_mortality by the population of that state stored in US_states_population and multiplying by one million.


Crainiceanu, C., Goldsmith, J., Leroux, A., Cui, E. (2023). Functional Data Analysis with R. Chapman & Hall/CRC Statistics