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refund (version 0.1-37)

af_old: Construct an FGAM regression term


Defines a term \(\int_{T}F(X_i(t),t)dt\) for inclusion in an mgcv::gam-formula (or {bam} or {gamm} or gamm4:::gamm) as constructed by {fgam}, where \(F(x,t)\)$ is an unknown smooth bivariate function and \(X_i(t)\) is a functional predictor on the closed interval \(T\). Defaults to a cubic tensor product B-spline with marginal second-order difference penalties for estimating \(F(x,t)\). The functional predictor must be fully observed on a regular grid


  argvals = seq(0, 1, l = ncol(X)),
  xind = NULL,
  basistype = c("te", "t2", "s"),
  integration = c("simpson", "trapezoidal", "riemann"),
  L = NULL,
  splinepars = list(bs = "ps", k = c(min(ceiling(nrow(X)/5), 20), min(ceiling(ncol(X)/5),
    20)), m = list(c(2, 2), c(2, 2))),
  presmooth = TRUE,
  Xrange = range(X),
  Qtransform = FALSE


A list with the following entries:

  1. call - a "call" to te (or s, t2) using the appropriately constructed covariate and weight matrices.

  2. argvals - the argvals argument supplied to af

  3. L-the matrix of weights used for the integration

  4. xindname - the name used for the functional predictor variable in the formula used by mgcv.

  5. tindname - the name used for argvals variable in the formula used by mgcv

  6. Lname - the name used for the L variable in the formula used by mgcv

  7. presmooth - the presmooth argument supplied to af

  8. Qtranform - the Qtransform argument supplied to af

  9. Xrange - the Xrange argument supplied to af

  10. ecdflist - a list containing one empirical cdf function from applying {ecdf} to each (possibly presmoothed) column of X. Only present if Qtransform=TRUE

  11. Xfd - an fd object from presmoothing the functional predictors using {smooth.basisPar}. Only present if presmooth=TRUE. See {fd}.



an N by J=ncol(argvals) matrix of function evaluations \(X_i(t_{i1}),., X_i(t_{iJ}); i=1,.,N.\)


matrix (or vector) of indices of evaluations of \(X_i(t)\); i.e. a matrix with ith row \((t_{i1},.,t_{iJ})\)


Same as argvals. It will discard this argument in the next version of refund.


defaults to "te", i.e. a tensor product spline to represent \(F(x,t)\) Alternatively, use "s" for bivariate basis functions (see {s}) or "t2" for an alternative parameterization of tensor product splines (see {t2})


method used for numerical integration. Defaults to "simpson"'s rule for calculating entries in L. Alternatively and for non-equidistant grids, "trapezoidal" or "riemann". "riemann" integration is always used if L is specified


optional weight matrix for the linear functional


optional arguments specifying options for representing and penalizing the function \(F(x,t)\). Defaults to a cubic tensor product B-spline with marginal second-order difference penalties, i.e. list(bs="ps", m=list(c(2, 2), c(2, 2)), see {te} or {s} for details


logical; if true, the functional predictor is pre-smoothed prior to fitting; see {smooth.basisPar}


numeric; range to use when specifying the marginal basis for the x-axis. It may be desired to increase this slightly over the default of range(X) if concerned about predicting for future observed curves that take values outside of range(X)


logical; should the functional be transformed using the empirical cdf and applying a quantile transformation on each column of X prior to fitting? This ensures Xrange=c(0,1). If Qtransform=TRUE and presmooth=TRUE, presmoothing is done prior to transforming the functional predictor


Mathew W. McLean mathew.w.mclean@gmail.com and Fabian Scheipl


McLean, M. W., Hooker, G., Staicu, A.-M., Scheipl, F., and Ruppert, D. (2014). Functional generalized additive models. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 23 (1), pp. 249-269.

See Also

{fgam}, {lf}, mgcv's {linear.functional.terms}, {fgam} for examples