if (FALSE) {
residualfunction <- function(t){
#generate quintic polynomial error functions
drop(poly(t, 5)%*%rnorm(5, sd=sqrt(2:6)))
# generate data Y(t) = mu(t) + E(t) + white noise
n <- 50
T <- 30
t <- seq(0,1, l=T)
# E(t): smooth residual functions
E <- t(replicate(n, residualfunction(t)))
int <- matrix(scale(3*dnorm(t, m=.5, sd=.5) - dbeta(t, 5, 2)), byrow=T, n, T)
Y <- int + E + matrix(.2*rnorm(n*T), n, T)
data <- data.frame(Y=I(Y))
# fit model under independence assumption:
summary(m0 <- pffr(Y ~ 1, yind=t, data=data))
# get first 5 eigenfunctions of residual covariance
# (i.e. first 5 functional PCs of empirical residual process)
Ehat <- resid(m0)
fpcE <- fpca.sc(Ehat, npc=5)
efunctions <- fpcE$efunctions
evalues <- fpcE$evalues
data$id <- factor(1:nrow(data))
# refit model with fpc-based residuals
m1 <- pffr(Y ~ 1 + pcre(id=id, efunctions=efunctions, evalues=evalues, yind=t), yind=t, data=data)
t1 <- predict(m1, type="terms")
#compare squared errors
# compare fitted & true smooth residuals and fitted intercept functions:
matplot(t(E), lty=1, type="l", ylim=range(E, t1[[2]]))
matplot(t(t1[[2]]), lty=1, type="l", ylim=range(E, t1[[2]]))
plot(m1, select=1, main="m1", ylim=range(Y))
lines(t, int[1,], col=rgb(1,0,0,.5))
plot(m0, select=1, main="m0", ylim=range(Y))
lines(t, int[1,], col=rgb(1,0,0,.5))
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