## load in the pima indian data
X <- as.matrix(pima[,-9])
y <- as.numeric(pima[,9])
## pre-normalize to match the comparison in the paper
one <- rep(1, nrow(X))
normx <- sqrt(drop(one %*% (X^2)))
X <- scale(X, FALSE, normx)
## compare to the GLM fit
fit.logit <- glm(y~X, family=binomial(link="logit"))
bstart <- fit.logit$coef
## do the Gibbs sampling
T <- 300 ## set low for CRAN checks; increase to >= 1000 for better results
out6 <- reglogit(T, y, X, nu=6, nup=NULL, bstart=bstart, normalize=FALSE)
## plot the posterior distribution of the coefficients
burnin <- (1:(T/10))
boxplot(out6$beta[-burnin,], main="nu=6, kappa=1", ylab="posterior",
xlab="coefficients", bty="n", names=c("mu", paste("b", 1:8, sep="")))
abline(h=0, lty=2)
## add in GLM fit and MAP with legend
points(bstart, col=2, pch=17)
points(out6$map$beta, pch=19, col=3)
legend("topright", c("MLE", "MAP"), col=2:3, pch=c(17,19))
## simple prediction
p6 <- predict(out6, XX=X)
## hit rate
mean(p6$c == y)
## for a polychotomous example, with prediction,
## see ? predict.regmlogit
if (FALSE) {
## now with kappa=10
out10 <- reglogit(T, y, X, kappa=10, nu=6, nup=NULL, bstart=bstart,
## plot the posterior distribution of the coefficients
boxplot(out6$beta[-burnin,], main="nu=6, kappa=1", ylab="posterior",
xlab="coefficients", bty="n", names=c("mu", paste("b", 1:8, sep="")))
abline(h=0, lty=2)
points(bstart, col=2, pch=17)
points(out6$map$beta, pch=19, col=3)
legend("topright", c("MLE", "MAP"), col=2:3, pch=c(17,19))
boxplot(out10$beta[-burnin,], main="nu=6, kappa=10", ylab="posterior",
xlab="coefficients", bty="n", names=c("mu", paste("b", 1:8, sep="")))
abline(h=0, lty=2)
## add in GLM fit and MAP with legend
points(bstart, col=2, pch=17)
points(out10$map$beta, pch=19, col=3)
legend("topright", c("MLE", "MAP"), col=2:3, pch=c(17,19))
## now some binomial data
if (FALSE) {
## synthetic data generation
N <- rep(20, 100)
beta <- c(2, -3, 2, -4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
X <- matrix(runif(length(N)*length(beta)), ncol=length(beta))
eta <- drop(1 + X %*% beta)
p <- inv.logit(eta)
y <- rbinom(length(N), N, p)
## run the Gibbs sampler for the logit -- uses the fast Binomial
## version; for a comparison, try flatten=FALSE
out <- reglogit(T, y, X, N)
## plot the posterior distribution of the coefficients
boxplot(out$beta[-burnin,], main="binomial data", ylab="posterior",
xlab="coefficients", bty="n",
names=c("mu", paste("b", 1:ncol(X), sep="")))
abline(h=0, lty=2)
## add in GLM fit, the MAP fit, the truth, and a legend
fit.logit <- glm(y/N~X, family=binomial(link="logit"), weights=N)
points(fit.logit$coef, col=2, pch=17)
points(c(1, beta), col=4, pch=16)
points(out$map$beta, pch=19, col=3)
legend("topright", c("MLE", "MAP", "truth"), col=2:4, pch=c(17,19,16))
## also try specifying a larger kappa value to pin down the MAP
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