## projection
Person <-
data.frame(Name = c("Harry", "Sally", "George", "Helena", "Peter"),
Age = c(34, 28, 29, 54, 34),
Weight = c(80, 64, 70, 54, 80),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Person <- as.relation(Person)
relation_table(relation_projection(Person, c("Age", "Weight")))
## selection
relation_table(R1 <- relation_selection(Person, Age < 29))
relation_table(R2 <- relation_selection(Person, Age >= 34))
relation_table(R3 <- relation_selection(Person, Age == Weight))
## union
relation_table(R1 %U% R2)
## works only for the same domains:
relation_table(R2 | R3)
## complement
relation_table(Person - R2)
## intersection
relation_table(relation_intersection(R2, R3))
## works only for the same domains:
relation_table(R2 & R3)
## symmetric difference
relation_table(relation_symdiff(R2, R3))
## Cartesian product
Employee <-
data.frame(Name =
c("Harry", "Sally", "George", "Harriet", "John"),
EmpId = c(3415, 2241, 3401, 2202, 3999),
DeptName =
c("Finance", "Sales", "Finance", "Sales", "N.N."),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Employee <- as.relation(Employee)
Dept <- data.frame(DeptName = c("Finance", "Sales", "Production"),
Manager = c("George", "Harriet", "Charles"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Dept <- as.relation(Dept)
relation_table(Employee %><% Dept)
## Natural join
relation_table(Employee %|><|% Dept)
## left (outer) join
relation_table(Employee %=><% Dept)
## right (outer) join
relation_table(Employee %><=% Dept)
## full outer join
relation_table(Employee %=><=% Dept)
## antijoin
relation_table(Employee %|>% Dept)
relation_table(Employee %<|% Dept)
## semijoin
relation_table(Employee %|><% Dept)
relation_table(Employee %><|% Dept)
## division
Completed <-
data.frame(Student = c("Fred", "Fred", "Fred", "Eugene",
"Eugene", "Sara", "Sara"),
Task = c("Database1", "Database2", "Compiler1",
"Database1", "Compiler1", "Database1",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Completed <- as.relation(Completed)
DBProject <- data.frame(Task = c("Database1", "Database2"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
DBProject <- as.relation(DBProject)
relation_table(Completed %/% DBProject)
## division remainder
relation_table(Completed %% DBProject)
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