Learn R Programming

renv (version 0.3.0-40)

paths: Path Customization


Customize the paths that renv uses for global state storage.


Local Sources

If your project depends on one or R packages that are not available in any remote location, you can still provide a locally-available tarball for renv to use during restore. By default, these packages should be made available in the folder as specified by the RENV_PATHS_LOCAL environment variable. The package sources should be placed in a file at one of these locations:

  • ${RENV_PATHS_LOCAL}/<package>/<package>_<version>.<ext>

  • <project>/renv/local/<package>/<package>_<version>.<ext>

where .<ext> is .tar.gz for source packages, or .tgz for binaries on macOS and .zip on Windows. During a restore(), packages installed from an unknown source will be searched for in this location.


By default, renv collects state into these folders:

Platform Location
Linux ~/.local/share/renv
macOS ~/Library/Application Support/renv
Windows %APPDATA%/renv

If desired, this path can be adjusted by setting the RENV_PATHS_ROOT environment variable. This can be useful if you'd like, for example, multiple users to be able to share a single global cache.

The various state sub-directories can also be individually adjusted, if so desired (e.g. you'd prefer to keep the cache of package installations on a separate volume). The various environment variables that can be set are enumerated below:

Environment Variable Description
RENV_PATHS_ROOT The root path used for global state storage.
RENV_PATHS_BOOTSTRAP The library path containing bootstrapped renv installations.
RENV_PATHS_LIBRARY The root path containing different R libraries.
RENV_PATHS_LOCAL The path containing local package sources.
RENV_PATHS_SOURCE The path containing downloaded package sources.
RENV_PATHS_BINARY The path containing downloaded package binaries.
RENV_PATHS_CACHE The path containing cached package installations.
RENV_PATHS_REPOS The path containing cached available package information.
RENV_PATHS_EXTSOFT (Windows only) The path containing external software needed for compilation of Windows source packages.

Note that renv will append platform-specific and version-specific entries to the set paths as appropriate. For example, if you have set:

Sys.setenv(RENV_PATHS_CACHE = "/mnt/shared/renv/cache")

then the directory used for the cache will still depend on the R version (e.g. 3.5) and the renv cache version (e.g. v2). For example:


This ensures that you can set a single RENV_PATHS_CACHE environment variable globally without worry that it may cause collisions or errors if multiple versions of R needed to interact with the same cache.

If reproducibility of a project is desired on a particular machine, it is highly recommended that the renv cache of installed packages + binary packages is stored, so that packages can be easily restored in the future -- installation of packages from source can often be arduous.

If you want these settings to persist in your project, it is recommended that you add these to an appropriate R startup file. For example, these could be set in:

  • A project-local .Renviron;

  • The user-level .Renviron;

  • A file at $(R RHOME)/etc/Renviron.site.

Please see ?Startup for more details.