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renv (version 0.3.0-40)

purge: Purge Packages from the Cache


Purge packages from the cache. This can be useful if a package which had previously been installed in the cache has become corrupted or unusable, and needs to be reinstalled.


purge(package, version = NULL, hash = NULL, confirm = interactive())



A single package to be removed from the cache.


The package version to be removed. When NULL, all versions of the requested package will be removed.


The specific hashes to be removed. When NULL, all hashes associated with a particular package's version will be removed.


Boolean; prompt the user before taking any action?


purge() is an inherently destructive option. It removes packages from the cache, and so any project which had symlinked that package into its own project library would find that package now unavailable. These projects would hence need to reinstall any purged packages. Take heed of this in case you're looking to purge the cache of a package which is difficult to install, or if the original sources for that package are no longer available!