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renv (version 1.1.2)

renv_lockfile_from_manifest: Generate renv.lock from an RStudio Connect manifest.json


Use renv_lockfile_from_manifest() to convert a manifest.json file from an RStudio Connect content bundle into an renv.lock lockfile.

This function can be useful when you need to recreate the package environment of a piece of content that is deployed to RStudio Connect. The content bundle contains a manifest.json file that is used to recreate the package environment. This function will let you convert that manifest file to an renv.lock file. Run renv::restore() after you've converted the file to restore the package environment.


  manifest = "manifest.json",
  lockfile = NA,
  project = NULL


An renv lockfile.



The path to a manifest.json file.


The path to the lockfile to be generated and / or updated. When NA (the default), the generated lockfile is returned as an R object; otherwise, the lockfile will be written to the path specified by lockfile.