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represent (version 1.0.1)

jrparams: Assess similarity of two multidimensional data sets


This function computes three types of parameters to assess the representativity of two multidimensional data sets by a comparison of their structure. Representativity is expressed as similarity of: I) principal component analysis (PCA) loadings patterns; II) variance-covariance matrix structures; III) data set centroid locations. All parameters are computed in principal component (PC) space. These parameters are described in a publication by Jouan-Rimbaud et al (1998).




A numeric matrix with rows containing the computed values for in total six parameters that are described in Jouan-Rimbaud et al (1998). The nomenclature for the parameters as in that publication has been adopted here. Hence, the first two rows ("P" and "P*") of the output are informative of the similarity of the PCA loadings patterns of both data sets. Rows 3 and 4 ("C" and "C*", respectively) are indicative of the similarity of the variance-covariance matrices. Finally, rows 5 and 6 ("R" and "R*") represent the similarity of the data set centroid locations. For all parameters, values equal to 1 indicate perfect similarity. The number of columns of the output matrix depends on the value of 'ncomp'.



First multivariate data set (a numeric matrix)


Second multivariate data set (a numeric matrix), to be compared with the first


The number of PCs to compute the parameter values for


The value of the "C*" parameter corresponding to the value of Box's M statistic being equal to its critical value


The value of the "R*" parameter corresponding to the Mahalanobis distance being equal to its critical value


Harmen Draisma


Unexpected results might occur if the two data sets to be compared are of different rank, and the number of principal components to retain has not been passed to jrparams() as well (not tested).


For argument 'ncomp', the default is based on the smallest number of rows or columns (whichever is smaller) in either of both data sets to be compared. This number should be a proxy for the minimum of the 'ranks' (i.e., the actual dimensionalities) of both data sets.

The default settings for the values of arguments 'Cscrit' and 'Rscrit' correspond to the values as recommended by Jouan-Rimbaud et al (1998) in their equations (9a) and (13a), respectively.


Jouan-Rimbaud D, Massart DL, Saby CA, Puel C: Determination of the representativity between two multidimensional data sets by a comparison of their structure. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 40 (1998) 129-144.


Run this code
#Load example data sets, 50 observations x 5 variables

#Assess representativity using all principal components
#(default; will be fine if both sets are of equal rank)
jrparams(DATASET.1, DATASET.2)

#Positive control: check similarity of DATASET.1 with itself
#(values for all parameters should be unity)
jrparams(DATASET.1, DATASET.1)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab