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reservoir (version 1.1.5)

sdp_multi: Stochastic Dynamic Programming with multiple objectives (supply, flood control, amenity)


Determines the optimal sequence of releases from the reservoir to minimise a penalty cost function based on water supply, spill, and water level. For water supply: Cost[t] = ((target - release[t]) / target) ^ loss_exp[1]). For flood control: Cost[t] = (Spill[t] / quantile(Q, spill_targ)) ^ loss_exp[2]. For amenity: Cost[t] = abs(((storage[t] - (vol_targ * capacity)) / (vol_targ * capacity))) ^ loss_exp[3].


sdp_multi(Q, capacity, target, surface_area, max_depth, evap, R_max = 2 * target, spill_targ = 0.95, vol_targ = 0.75, Markov = FALSE, weights = c(0.7, 0.2, 0.1), S_disc = 1000, R_disc = 10, Q_disc = c(0, 0.2375, 0.475, 0.7125, 0.95, 1), loss_exp = c(2, 2, 2), S_initial = 1, plot = TRUE, tol = 0.99, rep_rrv = FALSE)


time series object. Net inflow to the reservoir.
numerical. The reservoir storage capacity (must be the same volumetric unit as Q and the target release).
numerical. The target release constant. Recommended units: Mm^3 (Million cubic meters).
numerical. The reservoir water surface area at maximum capacity. Recommended units: km^2 (square kilometers).
numerical. The maximum water depth of the reservoir at maximum capacity. If omitted, the depth-storage-area relationship will be estimated from surface area and capacity only. Recommended units: meters.
vector or time series object of length Q, or a numerical constant. Evaporation from losses from reservoir surface. Varies with level if depth and surface_area parameters are specified. Recommended units: meters, or kg/m2 * 10 ^ -3.
numerical. The maximum controlled release.
numerical. The quantile of the inflow time series used to standardise the "minimise spill" objective.
numerical. The target storage volume constant (as proportion of capacity).
logical. If TRUE the current period inflow is used as a hydrological state variable and inflow persistence is incorporated using a first-order, periodic Markov chain. The default is FALSE.
vector of length 3 indicating weighting to be applied to release, spill and water level objectives respectively.
integer. Storage discretization--the number of equally-sized storage states. Default = 1000.
integer. Release discretization. Default = 10 divisions.
vector. Inflow discretization bounding quantiles. Defaults to five inflow classes bounded by quantile vector c(0.0, 0.2375, 0.4750, 0.7125, 0.95, 1.0).
vector of length 3 indicating the exponents on release, spill and water level deviations from target. Default exponents are c(2,2,2).
numeric. The initial storage as a ratio of capacity (0
logical. If TRUE (the default) the storage behavior diagram and release time series are plotted.
numerical. The tolerance for policy convergence. The default value is 0.990.
logical. If TRUE then reliability, resilience and vulnerability metrics are computed and returned.


Returns a list that includes: the optimal policy as an array of release decisions dependent on storage state, month/season, and current-period inflow class; the Bellman cost function based on storage state, month/season, and inflow class; the optimized release and storage time series through the training inflow data; the flow discretization (which is required if the output is to be implemented in the rrv function); and, if requested, the reliability, resilience, and vulnerability of the system under the optimized policy.

See Also

dp_multi for deterministic Dynamic Programming.


Run this code
sdp_multi(resX$Q_Mm3, cap = resX$cap_Mm3, target = 0.2 * mean(resX$Q_Mm3))

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