# This example identifies points in both the rgl window and
# in WebGL
verts <- cbind(rnorm(11), rnorm(11), rnorm(11))
idverts <- plot3d(verts, type = "s", col = "blue")["data"]
# Plot some invisible text; the Javascript will move it
idtext <- text3d(verts[1,,drop = FALSE], texts = 1, adj = c(0.5, -1.5), alpha = 0)
# Define the R functions to use within R
fns <- local({
idverts <- idverts
idtext <- idtext
closest <- -1
update <- function(x, y) {
save <- par3d(skipRedraw = TRUE)
rect <- par3d("windowRect")
size <- rect[3:4] - rect[1:2]
x <- x / size[1];
y <- 1 - y / size[2];
verts <- rgl.attrib(idverts, "vertices")
# Put in window coordinates
vw <- rgl.user2window(verts)
dists <- sqrt((x - vw[,1])^2 + (y - vw[,2])^2)
newclosest <- which.min(dists)
if (newclosest != closest) {
if (idtext > 0)
pop3d(id = idtext)
closest <<- newclosest
idtext <<- text3d(verts[closest,,drop = FALSE], texts = closest, adj = c(0.5, -1.5))
end <- function() {
if (idtext > 0)
pop3d(id = idtext)
closest <<- -1
idtext <<- -1
list(rglupdate = update, rglend = end)
rglupdate <- fns$rglupdate
rglend <- fns$rglend
# Define the Javascript functions with the same names to use in WebGL
js <-
' var idverts = %id%, idtext = %idtext%, closest = -1,
subid = %subid%;
window.rglupdate = function(x, y) {
var obj = this.getObj(idverts), i, newdist, dist = Infinity, pt, newclosest;
x = x/this.canvas.width;
y = y/this.canvas.height;
for (i = 0; i < obj.vertices.length; i++) {
pt = obj.vertices[i].concat(1);
pt = this.user2window(pt, subid);
pt[0] = x - pt[0];
pt[1] = y - pt[1];
pt[2] = 0;
newdist = rglwidgetClass.vlen(pt);
if (newdist < dist) {
dist = newdist;
newclosest = i;
if (newclosest !== closest) {
closest = newclosest
var text = this.getObj(idtext);
text.vertices[0] = obj.vertices[closest];
text.colors[0][3] = 1; // alpha is here!
text.texts[0] = (closest + 1).toString();
text.initialized = false;
window.rglend = function() {
var text = this.getObj(idtext);
closest = -1;
text.colors[0][3] = 0;
text.initialized = false;
js <- sub("%id%", idverts, js)
js <- sub("%subid%", subsceneInfo()$id, js)
js <- sub("%idtext%", idtext, js)
# Install both
begin = "rglupdate",
update = "rglupdate",
end = "rglend",
javascript = js)
# This example doesn't affect the rgl window, it only modifies
# the scene object to implement panning
# Define the Javascript functions to use in WebGL
js <-
' window.subid = %subid%;
window.panbegin = function(x, y) {
var activeSub = this.getObj(subid),
viewport = activeSub.par3d.viewport,
activeModel = this.getObj(this.useid(activeSub.id, "model")),
l = activeModel.par3d.listeners, i;
this.userSave = {x:x, y:y, viewport:viewport,
for (i = 0; i < l.length; i++) {
activeSub = this.getObj(l[i]);
activeSub.userSaveMat = new CanvasMatrix4(activeSub.par3d.userMatrix);
this.canvas.style.cursor = "grabbing";
window.panupdate = function(x, y) {
var objects = this.scene.objects,
activeSub = this.getObj(subid),
activeModel = this.getObj(this.useid(activeSub.id, "model")),
l = activeModel.par3d.listeners,
viewport = this.userSave.viewport,
par3d, i, zoom;
if (x === this.userSave.x && y === this.userSave.y)
x = (x - this.userSave.x)/this.canvas.width;
y = (y - this.userSave.y)/this.canvas.height;
for (i = 0; i < l.length; i++) {
activeSub = this.getObj(l[i]);
par3d = activeSub.par3d;
/* NB: The right amount of zoom depends on the scaling of the data
and the position of the observer. This might
need tweaking.
zoom = rglwidgetClass.vlen(par3d.observer)*par3d.zoom;
activeSub.par3d.userMatrix.translate(zoom*x, zoom*y, 0);
window.panend = function() {
this.canvas.style.cursor = this.userSave.cursor;
js <- sub("%subid%", subsceneInfo()$id, js)
scene <- setUserCallbacks("left",
begin = "panbegin",
update = "panupdate",
end = "panend",
applyToDev = FALSE, javascript = js)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab