id <- shade3d(octahedron3d(), col = "red")
# For each triangle, set weights on the 3 vertices.
# This will be replicated to the appropriate size in Javascript.
wts <- diag(3)
# This leaves out the centres of each face
vs <- "
attribute vec3 aPos;
attribute vec4 aCol;
uniform mat4 mvMatrix;
uniform mat4 prMatrix;
varying vec4 vCol;
varying vec4 vPosition;
attribute vec3 aNorm;
uniform mat4 normMatrix;
varying vec3 vNormal;
attribute vec3 wts;
varying vec3 vwts;
void main(void) {
vPosition = mvMatrix * vec4(aPos, 1.);
gl_Position = prMatrix * vPosition;
vCol = aCol;
vNormal = normalize((normMatrix * vec4(aNorm, 1.)).xyz);
vwts = wts;
fs <- "
#ifdef GL_ES
precision highp float;
varying vec4 vCol; // carries alpha
varying vec4 vPosition;
varying vec3 vNormal;
uniform mat4 mvMatrix;
uniform vec3 emission;
uniform float shininess;
uniform vec3 ambient[NLIGHTS];
uniform vec3 specular[NLIGHTS]; // light*material
uniform vec3 diffuse[NLIGHTS];
uniform vec3 lightDir[NLIGHTS];
uniform bool viewpoint[NLIGHTS];
uniform bool finite[NLIGHTS];
varying vec3 vwts;
uniform vec2 wtrange;
void main(void) {
float minwt = min(vwts.x, min(vwts.y, vwts.z));
if (minwt < wtrange.x || minwt > wtrange.y) discard;
vec3 eye = normalize(;
vec3 lightdir;
vec4 colDiff;
vec3 halfVec;
vec4 lighteffect = vec4(emission, 0.);
vec3 col;
float nDotL;
vec3 n = normalize(vNormal);
n = -faceforward(n, n, eye);
colDiff = vec4(vCol.rgb * diffuse[0], vCol.a);
lightdir = lightDir[0];
if (!viewpoint[0])
lightdir = (mvMatrix * vec4(lightdir, 1.)).xyz;
if (!finite[0]) {
halfVec = normalize(lightdir + eye);
} else {
lightdir = normalize(lightdir -;
halfVec = normalize(lightdir + eye);
col = ambient[0];
nDotL = dot(n, lightdir);
col = col + max(nDotL, 0.) * colDiff.rgb;
col = col + pow(max(dot(halfVec, n), 0.), shininess) * specular[0];
lighteffect = lighteffect + vec4(col, colDiff.a);
gl_FragColor = lighteffect;
x <- setUserShaders(id, vs, fs, attributes = list(wts=wts),
uniforms = list(wtrange = c(-0.01, 0.15)))
if (interactive() || in_pkgdown_example())
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab