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rgl (version 1.3.16)

tkpar3dsave: Modal dialog for saving par3d settings


This function opens a TCL/TK modal dialog to allow particular views of an RGL scene to be saved.


tkpar3dsave(params = c("userMatrix", "scale", "zoom", "FOV"),
          times = FALSE, dev = cur3d(), ...)


A list of the requested components. Each one will consist of a list of values that were current when the Record button was clicked. These are suitable to be passed directly to the par3dinterp function.



Which parameters to save


Should times be saved as well?


Which RGL device to work with


Additional parameters to pass to tktoplevel


Duncan Murdoch


This opens a TCL/TK modal dialog box with Record and Quit buttons. Each time Record is clicked, a snapshot is taken of current par3d settings. When Quit is clicked, the dialog closes and the values are returned in a list.

If times == TRUE, then the times at which the views are recorded will also be saved, so that the play3d function will play back with the same timing.

See Also

par3d, par3dinterp


Run this code
if (interactive() && !in_pkgdown_example()) {

  # Record a series of positions, and then play them back immediately
  # at evenly spaced times, in an oscillating loop
  play3d( par3dinterp( tkpar3dsave() ) )

  # As above, but preserve the click timings

  # play3d( par3dinterp( tkpar3dsave(times=TRUE) ) )

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab