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rgr (version 1.1.15)

gx.cnpplts.setup: Set Up and Display Symbolgy for function gx.cnpplts


Permits a user to display the symbol mark and colour combinations to be used in function gx.cnpplts, and change them and the legend font size, if required. Any changes require editing the function and some elementary R-scripting skills, see Note below.


gx.cnpplts.setup(display = FALSE)



if display = TRUE the symbol mark and colour combinations are displayed on the current device. If display = FALSE output is suppressed.



a vector of 9 elements defining the symbols, marks, to use for plotting the 1 to 9 permissable subsets.


a vector of 9 elements defining the colours from the ‘default’ palette to use for the colours of the 1 to 9 permissable subset symbols.


the text scale expansion factor to use in the optional legend for function gx.cnpplts, the default is 0.8.


the scale expansion factor for the plotting symbols in function gx.cnpplts, the default is 0.9.


The available symbols are: pch: 0 = square, 1 = circle, 2 = triangle, 3 = plus, 4 = X, 5 = diamond, 6 = upside-down triangle, 7 = square with X, 8 = asterisk, 9 = diamond with plus, 10 = circle with plus, 11 = double triangles, 12 = square with plus, 13 = circle with X, 14 = square with upside-down triangle. Symbols 15 to 18 are solid in the colour specified: 15 = square, 16 = circle, 17 = triangle, 18 = diamond. The available colours from the default ‘palette’ are: Col: 0 = none, 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = dark blue, 5 = turquoise, 6 = pink, 7 = yellow, 8 = grey, 9 = black.

See Also

display.marks, points, display.lty