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gx.rma: Estimate the Coefficients of the Reduced Major Axis


Function to estimate the coefficients and their standard errors of the Reduced Major Axis, the case of orthogonal regression, and also known as total least squares or errors in variables regression. The procedure is based on the methodology described in Miller and Kahn (1962). Function will also prepare a Youden plot.


gx.rma(xx1, xx2, x1lab = NULL, x2lab = NULL, log = FALSE, ifplot = FALSE,
ifrma = FALSE, ifcoeffs = FALSE, ifform = FALSE, iftest = FALSE, ...)



the name of the first independent variable, or a n by 2 matrix of independent variables, for instance from alts2dups.


the name of the second independent variable, omit if xx1 is a matrix.


a title for the first independent variable, the default is the variable name, deparse(substitute(xx1)) or the name from the first column of the n by 2 matrix. It is often desirable to replace the default title of the input variable name text string with a more informative title, e.g., x1lab = "Magnetic Susceptibility - Measurement 1".


a title for the second independent variable, the default is the variable name, deparse(substitute(xx2)) or the name from the second column of the n by 2 matrix. It is often desirable to replace the default title of the input variable name text string with a more informative title, e.g.,x2lab = "Magnetic Susceptibility - Measurement 2".


if a logarithmic transformation (base 10) of the data is required to meet homogeneity of variance considerations (i.e. severe heteroscedasticity) set log = TRUE. This is also advisable if the range of the observations exceeds 1.5 orders of magnitude.


if a x-y plot of the independent variables is required set if.plot = TRUE. The plot is equi-scaled and the 1:1 line is added. If ifrma = TRUE ifplot will be set to TRUE.


if the Reduced Major Axis is to be added to the plot set ifrma = TRUE.


if the coefficients of the Reduced Major Axis and the result of the test for the RMA being (0,1) are to be displayed on the plot, set ifcoeffs = TRUE. The cursor will be activated, and the upper left corner of the text block may be placed where most appropriate, then ‘left button’ the pointing device.


if the formula, equation, for the Reduced Major Axis the daya set size and fit are to be displayed on the plot, set ifform = TRUE. The cursor will be activated, and the upper left corner of the text block may be placed where most appropriate, then ‘left button’ the pointing device.


if the result of the test for the RMA being (0,1) are to be displayed on the plot below the formula, equation, set iftest = TRUE.

further arguments to be passed to methods concerning the plot. For example, if it is required to add a title, add main = "Youden Plot".


A list comprising of:


the data set size.


a two-element vector with the means of x1 and x2.


a two-element vector with the standard deviations of x1 and x2.


the Pearson correlation coefficient for x1 and x2.


the intercept of the reduced major axis.


the slope of the reduced major axis.


the standard error of the intercept estimate.


the standard error of the slope estimate.


Miller, R.L. and Kahn, J.S., 1962. Statistical Analysis in the Geological Sciences, John Wiley & Sons, New York, U.S.A., 483 p. Specifically pp. 204-209.

See Also

ltdl.fix.df, remove.na


Run this code
## Make test available

## Estimate RMA coefficients for duplicate measurements on rock samples
gx.rma(MS.1, MS.2, x1lab = "MS - 1", x2lab = "MS - 2", log = TRUE)

## Display an x-y plot of the data and the RMA
gx.rma(MS.1, MS.2, x1lab = "MS - 1", x2lab = "MS - 2", log = TRUE, 
	ifplot = TRUE, ifrma = TRUE)

## Detach test data

## Using function alts2dups
gx.rma(alts2dups(MS, ifalt = TRUE), log = TRUE, ifplot = TRUE,
	ifrma = TRUE)

## Detach test data
# }

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