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rgr (version 1.1.15)

gx.summary.mat: Displays Summary Statistics for a Matrix or Data Frame


Displays the same concise one-line summary statistics report as gx.summary1 for two or more columns of a matrix or data frame. The table consists of a heading line and a line of summary statistics for each ‘variable’, column of the matrix or data frame. Optionally the data may be logarithmically (base 10) transformed.


gx.summary.mat(xmat, vars, banner = deparse(substitute(xmat)),
	log = FALSE)



name of the matrix or data frame.


the indices, or names (see Example), of the columns of the matrix or data frame for the variables whose summary statistics are to be displayed.


by default the character string for xmat, the input matrix, is used for the title. An alternate title can be displayed with banner = "text string", see Examples.


if the summary statistics are required following a log10 transformation, set log = TRUE.


Setting log = TRUE results in a log transformation for the parametric statistical estimates. The maximum, minimum, quartiles and robust estimates of spread are estimated and reported in natural measurement units. Of the parametric statistics, the mean (the geometric mean) and 95%confidence are reported backtransformed into natural measurement units.

See Also

gx.summary1, gx.summary, gx.stats, ltdl.fix.df, remove.na, gx.summary2


Run this code
## Make test data available

## Generates an initial display for As [6], Co [13], Cu [15],
## Ni [24] and Zn [38] 
gx.summary.mat(kola.o, c(6, 13, 15, 24, 38))

## Alternately
gx.summary.mat(kola.o, c("As", "Co", "Cu", "Ni", "Zn"))

## Provide a more informative display for Be [9], La [19], P [25],
## Th [33], U [35] and Y[37]
gx.summary.mat(kola.o, c(9, 19, 25, 33, 35, 37), 
	banner = "Kola Project, <2 mm O-horizon soils")

## As above but with a log10 transformation to display
## the geometric mean, etc.
gx.summary.mat(kola.o, c("Be", "La", "P", "Th", "U", "Y"), 
	log = TRUE, banner = "Kola Project, <2 mm O-horizon soils")

## Detach test data
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab