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triples.test1: North American Geochemical Soil Landscapes Project QA/QC data


A data frame of QA/QC triplicates samples from the Maritimes 2007 North Ameriacn Soil Geochemical Landscapes survey. The analyses are for <2 mm unmilled C-horizon soil samples, and the determinations were made by ICP-OES or -MS following an Aqua Regia digestion.





A data frame with 27 observations for the following 3 variables:


the NAmSGLs unique site identifier.


the Replicate Status code.


the barium determinations, mg/kg.


The Replicate Status code indicates the ‘position’ of the geochemical sample in the QA/QC structure. RS = 8 indicates analytical duplicate, RS = 2 indicates the field duplicate, and RS = 1 indicates a routine regional coverage site that was ‘duplicated’. All other routine regional coverage sites are coded RS = 0. The analytical duplicate may be split from either of the two field sites, this information being in the project database. Thus the ‘triples’ may ocur in the sequence ‘8, 2, 1’ or ‘8, 1, 2’. For gx.triples.aov to estimate the variance components correctly the geochemical samples must occur in the file in correct sequence.


Friske, P.W.B., Ford, K.L. and McNeil, R.J., 2012. Soil Geochemical, Mineralogical, Radon and Radiometric Data from the 2007 North American Soil Geochemical Landscapes Project in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 6433.